Globalization and Social Media
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Globalization does not always have to be monetary or tangible. Globalization is highly visible when it comes to internet communication. This can be seen through global media when outlets such as Facebook and YouTube bring awareness to human rights and environmental issues. Everyone in the world is affected by globalization. But whether or not you are a winner or a loser depends on many factors. One could argue a child worker in a Nike sweat shop is not a winner while a couple in London eating sushi at Zuma is a winner. This concept also applied to social media and the internet. Entire countries has changed as a result of a video being posted online and shared with the world. With anything in life there are always people who benefit and those who benefit less if at all. This has led to an increased global awareness and aid to many minority groups in need.
There is a positive and negative side to globalization and depending on which side you are will most likely determine if you are a winner or a loser. With the presence of globalization and internet people around the world are more connected now than any other time in human history. As a result there are increasing international laws, thousands of international organizations and governments are forming around the world.